Last Of My Kind

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dramonfanatic's avatar
Sigh!!!!! Today "My Brother" got married to Mark Alexander and decided to change his last name that he was given since he was born which is Kmak to Alexander.

By doing that he not only spit in my dad's face but he now officially disgrace our Kmak name.

I'm glad that he decided to change his last name.

For I never even considered him as my brother in the first place.

I am very sad now that he has done that.

Because by doing that I am now the last of my kind which is Kmak.

I wouldn't mind IF Mark would've changed his last name into Kmak.

But by "My Brother" Max doing this disgraceful act since we are supposed to be Catholic for crying out loud.

I decided to disown him and no longer call him my brother.

And as soon as I my mom kicks the bucket I shall tell all as well as the truth to him as to how I feel about him disgracing our father like this.

By doing this from now on I will say my as in my mom and my dad instead of saying our mom and our dad.

Also this means I am now all alone and the only child left to try and carry the Kmak name and legacy going.

But like Dragons I as well as the family name shall soon go extinct.

So IF by any chance that I get all moody like & such. It's because of this bombshell of a news.
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